Game-based learning? “Cathedral 1221” as a practical example




Boardgames, Gamification, games-based learning, Middle Ages, serious games, Didactics of Social Sciences


Under the common concept of gamification there is a complex world within which there are different options, each with its own name. For those who enter it for the first time this can be confusing since all of them have their own features, functions and methodological elements.

Gamification? Serious games? Game-Based Learning? In view of this mixture of possibilities, the following lines are presented as a road map to help follow the path of the educational game. For this purpose, this theoretical foundation includes a didactic example of GBL -published as a board game under the name "Cathedral 1221"- conceived and designed with the purpose of promoting and facilitating the study of the Middle Ages in Secondary Education. Its successful application in the classroom makes it possible to provide didactic guidelines in this regard and to draw conclusions regarding the suitability and academic validity of the game within the framework of formal education.


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How to Cite

Gómez Muñiz, V., & García Andres, J. . (2022). Game-based learning? “Cathedral 1221” as a practical example. Clio. History and History Teaching, (48), 70–91.