The Second Spanish Republic in the high school textbooks in Andalusia




textbooks, History, democracy, women, higher secondary education, Second Spanish Republic, Social Science Teaching


The present work, is intented to answer the following question: are there differences between textbooks suitable for the same educational level and for the same contents meanwhile they are being used in the same Autonomous Community and under the same law of education? In order to do that a documentary analysis with has been carried out, one quantitative and another qualitative to three different textbooks of the Spanish History suitable for the second year of higher Secondary Education in the autonomous community of Andalusia with the Organic Law of Education (L.O.E.) still in force. The focus has been put in the didactic units devoted to the study of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939). The results show significant differences, that is to say, it demonstrates how important is the teacher’s choice for one publishing house or another.


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How to Cite

García Fernández, F. J. (2018). The Second Spanish Republic in the high school textbooks in Andalusia. Clio. History and History Teaching, (44), 114–134.