The terrorist drift of anarchism in Spain: From the cult of freedom to violent action


  • Carmen Tejera Pinilla Escuela de Arte de Algeciras (Cádiz)



Anarchism, terrorism, violentaction, propaganda of the deed, magnicide


This essay presents the status of the issue about anarchist terrorism from four monographies published between 1983 and 2013. This is a topic which has received little attention from historians. Revising this bibliography is interesting because it is a topic presented in an anecdotical and shallow way in most cases, with no relation with its ideological basis. This analysis shows some theories developed in last decades by historians as Avilés, Herrerín, Casanova and Núñez Florencio. Some authors propose comparative studies of the attacks in order to explain them as the result of a conspiration, instead of the traditional view of the individual terrorist. The article sets out if there is a estereotype of terrorist, lists the main attacks in the turn of the century and analyzes the theoretical basis of anarchism. Finally, it goes throught the Spanish terrorism and the police repression, that generated a bigger radicalisation ot anarchism in its violent trend.


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Avilés, J.: La daga y la dinamita: los anarquistas y el nacimiento del terrorismo. Barcelona, Tusquets, 2013.

Avilés, J. y Herrerín, A. (eds.) (2008). El nacimiento del terrorismo en Occidente: anarquía, nihilismo y violencia revolucionaria. Madrid, Siglo XXI.

Casanova, J. (2007) Anarquismo y violencia política en la España del siglo XX. Zaragoza, Institución Fernando el Católico.

García Oliver, J. (1978). El eco de los pasos. El anarcosindicalismo en la calle ...en el Comité de Milicias ... en el gobierno ... en el exilio. Madrid, Ruedo Ibérico.

González Calleja, E. (1998). La razón de la fuerza: orden público, subversión y violencia política en la España de la Restauración, (1875-1917). Madrid, CSIC.

López Corral, M. (2004). La Guardia Civil en la Restauración (1875-1905): militarismo contra subversión y terrorismo anarquista. Madrid, Actas. Núñez, R. (1983). El terrorismo anarquista (1888-1909), Madrid, Siglo XXI.

Romero, J. (1989). La rosa de fuego: el obrerismo barcelonés de 1899 a 1909. Madrid, Alianza.



How to Cite

Tejera Pinilla, C. (2018). The terrorist drift of anarchism in Spain: From the cult of freedom to violent action. Clio. History and History Teaching, (44), 248–266.