Memory and representation of the expansion through East Asia and World War II in the majority-used history textbooks of Secondary Education in Japan: Documentary analysis




Textbooks, Secondary education, Japan, History, Memory, War, Content, Documentary Analysis


Several studies have focused on the controversies that arose almost two decades ago when revised history textbooks were approved, didactic materials that were of minor use in Japan. Taking this background into account and from a qualitative approach, a research of documentary sources analysis is carried out to understand the representation of sensitive issues in the history textbooks of majority use in Japan in relation to expansion in East Asia and the Second World War. To this end, after selecting the Japanese history textbooks from Tokyo prefecture most used in secondary schools, a comparative documentary analysis is carried out. This analysis is structured into a series of categories that include some sensitive episodes from the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Asia-Pacific War. This research concludes that contents considered controversial from a predominantly aseptic perspective are included.


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How to Cite

Delgado-Algarra, E. J. (2023). Memory and representation of the expansion through East Asia and World War II in the majority-used history textbooks of Secondary Education in Japan: Documentary analysis. Clio. History and History Teaching, (49), 234–251.