The Eurocentric discourse in Baccalaureate Spanish textbooks of History of Art
eurocentrism, textbooks, History of Art, teaching, identities, critical citizenship, discourse analysis , baccalaureateAbstract
This research analyzes the presence of Eurocentric discourse in the baccalaureate History of Art textbooks from a sociogenetic perspective. The sample is made up of textbooks belonging to publishers of Spanish national scope (Anaya, ECIR, Ediciones Ruiz, SM, Teide and Vicens Vives) in a chronology that includes the different periods through which the subject has gone through between 1953 and 2006. The study derives from the application of a document analysis script that includes, among its variables, the construction of identities. The results show the presence and sociohistorical resistance of Eurocentric discourse in the analysed History of Art textbooks, thus tending to the construction, reproduction and essentialization of ethnocentric identities. In this way, to delve into the formation of a critical citizenship, it is necessary to reconsider the approaches and purposes that base the History of Art school narrative in resources such as the one we are dealing with in this article.
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Funding data
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2021-122519OB-I00 -
European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers PID2021-122519OB-I00 -
Ministerio de Universidades
Grant numbers FPU18/03756