Politics and Recent History on the net. What skills do students need to develop in the challenges of digital citizenship?


  • David Andres Aceituno Silva Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso




digital citizenship, citizen reasoning, recent history, teaching history, students


In the context of political mediatisation, where new skills are emerging to distinguish between true and false information in current information contexts such as social media, the teaching of history in schools faces significant challenges, which are particularly relevant given their implications for the quality of democracy. As lower-quality information circulates and tools to identify it become scarcer, it is highly likely that the quality of elections and citizen participation will be adversely affected. This research employs a qualitative methodology, analysing responses to the HATS Stanford questionnaire on fake news and politics. The sample consisted of 160 secondary school students from the third and fourth years in Chile. This study explores the skills necessary for navigating the new learning and participation environments in the digital world.


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How to Cite

Aceituno Silva, D. A. (2024). Politics and Recent History on the net. What skills do students need to develop in the challenges of digital citizenship?. Clio. History and History Teaching, (50), 150–164. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_clio/clio.20245010794