Teaching the Nuremberg Trials in a penal institution. An educational proposal
Didactics of Social Sciencies, Didactics in penal institutions, Adult education, Education in penal institutions, HolocaustAbstract
The penal institutions have educational modules where the inmates are provided with regulated education to favor their reinsertion, as stated in the Spanish Constitution of 1978, as well as in the Secondary Education decrees for adults (ESPA). Within this framework, an educational proposal is offered here to develop a controversial subject, such as the Holocaust, in an educational environment that is especially sensitive to educational processes in situations of confinement, a 4th grade ESPA classroom in a penitentiary center, through the knowledge of the responsibilities emanating from the Nuremberg Trials. Using dramatic representation as a didactic resource, since the inmates would have to reproduce the different roles of the participants in the trials, it is intended, in the different sessions in which this proposal is structured, to deal with moral responsibilities, to understand the necessary existence of strong institutions with adequate codes of coexistence, and to develop empathy with the victims of the Nazi regime, with the aim of developing civic values among the inmates.
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