Teaching proposal for the joint work of historical thinking and gamification


  • María Martínez-Hita Universidad de Murcia




Pensamiento histórico, gamificación, propuesta educativa, educación histórica, innovación educativa.


Research in History Education points out the need for a transformation of the History teaching-learning process. It advocates a change that promotes the development of historical thinking and addresses both the methodology and epistemology of the area. The aim of this article is to present a gamified intervention program for the development of historical thinking in Primary Education. Its design has been validated by expert judgment, with the aim to serve as a reference for the design of other gamified learning experiences and thus contribute to the improvement of History Education.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Hita, M. (2022). Teaching proposal for the joint work of historical thinking and gamification. Clio. History and History Teaching, (48), 145–159. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_clio/clio.2022487294