Gamification and historical thinking construction: development of skills in gamified activities




gamification, historical thinking, methodology, Big6, teaching history


The disinterest of the students towards certain school subjects is a reality. In the case of Social Sciences, the prominence of a teaching based on transmissive aspects has increased this situation and has prevented the development of new work and intervention techniques that intensify the students' interest in historical and geographical concepts. One of the possible ways to change this situation is the insertion of gamified didactic sequences for the development of competences associated with historical thinking. Thus, in the present work we present an application scheme based on existing models that link the competencies and the way of presenting the information with the characteristics of the game or activity that one wishes to gamify. This model will help to promote didactic proposals that apply this methodology of work in the future.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Segovia, Álvaro, & Colomer Rubio, J. C. (2018). Gamification and historical thinking construction: development of skills in gamified activities. Clio. History and History Teaching, (44), 82–93.