On the Holocaust and the problem of the representation of extreme negativity in the cinema. An approach from the classrooms

Un acercamiento desde las aulas.





Holocaust, Didactics, Social Sciences, Historical memory, Representativeness, cine, visual education, concentration camps


Much has been written about the impossibility of representing the Holocaust as a breakdown in the civilizing process. However, the call for silence was soon broken by a controversy of accounts that differ substantially. Since then, the debate on the relevance of realistic, melodramatic or comic, if not fantastic, narratives, their legitimacy or illegitimacy and the use of archival material in films continues to generate important doubts when it comes to the representation of horror. Precisely because it is a matter of extreme sensitivity for history in general and European History in particular, the Holocaust never ceases to challenge us with new and old questions. These questions become even more acute when selecting fragments or films to work on in the classroom.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Mérida Donoso, Universidad de Zaragoza

Departamento de Didácticas Específicas. Profesor interino


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How to Cite

Mérida Donoso, J. A. (2022). On the Holocaust and the problem of the representation of extreme negativity in the cinema. An approach from the classrooms: Un acercamiento desde las aulas . Clio. History and History Teaching, (48), 277–292. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_clio/clio.2022486473