The design of micro-documentaries on heritage as a transformative teaching practice
multiple literacies, historical competences, digital competence, microdocumentary, intangible cultural heritage, secondary educationAbstract
This study is based on a training course for Secondary School teachers aimed at developing historical and multimodal skills in an integrated manner. Specifically, it analyzes whether learning through the design of micro-documentaries is a training model that responds to the needs of teachers and assesses whether this training has been transformative. A participatory, qualitative model was used, with the participation of nine teachers from four secondary schools. The conclusions point out the fact that this training model responds to the needs of teachers and helps implement a transformative practice. It also contributes to the development of teachers' historical competencies, multimodal literacy and digital competence, although there is a need to go deeper into multimodal practice and to develop greater confidence in their digital competence.
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