Lost paths: the language and power of Romanesque art in its didactic function through its sexual representations and the humorous as pedagogy of the heterodox


  • Alfonso Revilla Carrasco Universidad de Zaragoza




Art, sexuality, romanesque, Didactics


Artistic manifestations of sex are for the medieval man a didactic form of knowledge that liberates him from the ignorance and the fear of eternal punishment. These manifestations open medieval reality beyond prohibitions and penances to liberate the search for the deepest and most poignant of human mysteries. Sexuality, as represented in the Romanesque erotic art, becomes a transgressive testimony of lived experience fuller and more convincing than the one transmitted by the Church. These manifestations indicate a forgotten trajectory of history; a forbidden lesson.


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How to Cite

Revilla Carrasco, A. (2019). Lost paths: the language and power of Romanesque art in its didactic function through its sexual representations and the humorous as pedagogy of the heterodox. Clio. History and History Teaching, (45), 407–419. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_clio/clio.2019458657