Learning History through the Immersive Virtual Reality Video Game “Carthago Nova”. Proposal for the Integration of a Serious Game into the Teaching and Learning Process





Serious games, videogames, ´history teaching, cultural heritage, historical significance, teaching proposal, Secondary Education


The educational possibilities that the Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) offers are nowadays unquestionable, although there are still few examples and proposals specifically designed for teaching purposes and educational contexts. This paper shows the first stages of an interesting initiative developed by Fundación Integra (Región de Murcia) that consist in the production of an IVR video game set in a specific historical setting as the Roman Theatre of Cartagena. This video game has been designed for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The video game is designed as a serious game, and it is complemented with a teaching proposal that contextualize the game and allows its introduction in the classroom. Although game and proposal has not been assessed yet in an evaluation study, the observation of the first pre-pilots suggests its positive value as it favours a more motivational and creative approach to History lessons.


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How to Cite

Laura Arias Ferrer, L., Egea Vivancos, A., & García López, A. (2018). Learning History through the Immersive Virtual Reality Video Game “Carthago Nova”. Proposal for the Integration of a Serious Game into the Teaching and Learning Process. Clio. History and History Teaching, (44), 26–37. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_clio/clio.2018448668