Recreación y aprendizaje-servicio en el contexto de la Guerra Civil española



Palabras clave:

Guerra Civil española, recreación, aprendizaje-servicio, Patrimonio, memoria historica


La recreación histórica es una práctica social emergente en la sociedad del conocimiento y nos ayuda a comprender mejor aspectos del pasado y el patrimonio. El conocimiento adquirido a través de la recreación histórica contribuye en la construcción de una ciudadanía de calidad. La profundización de los valores democráticos requiere que los sistemas educativos se comprometan con la promoción de la ciudadanía crítica. El aprendizaje-servicio desarrolla de manera constructiva experiencias que conectan ciencia, educación y sociedad. Nuestra investigación describe una praxis sistematizada de recreación histórica. Ha sido desarrollada por estudiantes universitarios, y se ha llevado a cabo desde la perspectiva del aprendizaje-servicio, de manera coherente con los conceptos de historia pública y arqueología pública, para contribuir a la promoción y defensa de la historia patrimonial y la preservación de memoria histórica.


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Biografía del autor/a

Isabel Boj-Cullell, Universitat de Barcelona

I started my professional work as an archaeologist at the same time I started small didactic actions called archaeology workshops. In 1990 I created a brand called Schola. Didàctica Activa from which I continued in the task of investigating from the didactics a new modality of educational activities about the past. In the years 2005-2012 I received the commission from Dr. Eudald Carbonell to develop the didactic project and the management of the Visits on Atapuerca Site In Burgos, Spain. Later, I defended the doctoral thesis THE WORKSHOPS OF HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN PRIMARY EDUCATION. EVALUATION OF ITS APPLICATION PERIOD 1999-2015. As a member of the DIDPATRI research team (2017SGR550), led by Dr. Francesc Xavier Hernández Cardona, I have participated in numerous projects that have given me learnings and knowledge. Since 2012-2013 I have been an associated professor in the Department of Applied Didactics of the Faculty of Education of the UB

Francesc Xavier Hernàndez-Cardona, Universitat de Barcelona

He is a Catalan historian, Professor in Didactics of Social Sciences at the University of Barcelona. He holds a degree in Philosophy and Literature (Section of Modern and Contemporary History) by University of Barcelona (1977) and a PhD in History by the same university with a thesis titled "The History of Catalonia in the Primary and Secondary School (1975-1990)" (1993). In 1995 he gained a tenured position at the University of Barcelona and in 2003 obtained the Chair as Professor of Didactics of the Social Sciences. He has developed his research and teaching career in specialties like Didactics of History and Social Sciences, Didactics of Heritage, Historical Iconography, Didactic Museography and Military History of Catalonia. He is author of numerous articles and books of theoretical reflection on the teaching of history and Social Sciences, including several synthesis of the history of Catalonia. He has been principal investigator of many competitive projects, among other four R&D of the Spanish "National Plan for Research". The bodies of the State (CNEAI) have recognized his work as researcher by granting him with four periods of six years ("Sexenios de investigación" in Spanish). Also he has developed several works of innovation and research focused on the importance of the didactic iconography in history. Another facet of his work deals with museography. In this regard he has promoted the concepts of didactic museology and educational heritage, assuming that the democratization of the access to knowledge requires museological and museographical proposals with a capacity to be understood by a broad target horizon. He was coordinator of the executive historical and museographic project of the Museum of Catalan History, opened in Barcelona in 1996. At present he is the Director of the Research Group in Didactics of Heritage of the University of Barcelona. He was also General Director of Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya in the tripartite Government of Pasqual Maragall from 2003 to 2007, promoting the creation of numerous recognized centers to strength the research system in Catalonia.


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Cómo citar

Sospedra Roca, R., Jardón Giner, P., Boj-Cullell, I., & Hernàndez-Cardona, F. X. (2023). Recreación y aprendizaje-servicio en el contexto de la Guerra Civil española. Clío, (49), 187–208.

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